Monday, February 23, 2009

Who am I and why am I doing this?

People who stumble across this blog may wonder who I am and why I would write on current issues, especially our economic situation. After all, I am not an "expert." I'm not an economist, a journalist, a financier, or a politician. I'm just an ordinary American citizen who is trying to make sense of what I see and hear on the news every day. The fact that I taught high school government and economics may give me a little more knowledge in these fields than your average citizen, but only a little. I'm just as lost as most people when I pick up a copy of Forbes Magazine and read about derivatives, hedge funds, the declining dollar, and financial markets. That, I think, is what makes my blog unique. I am writing about my struggle to understand what is happening in our nation. I don't pretend to have any answers; I am looking for answers. I just want to make some sense of the complex mess our country is in. (I know, I know - it doesn't make sense!)

I even ask myself what motivates me to do this. I know part of it is my insatiable desire to learn. I was born with it. I love researching issues and finding new information. Understanding something I didn't understand before excites me. If that makes me a complete nerd, so be it.

Also, I want the truth. The truth can be very hard to find sometimes, and we may refuse to recognize it if it doesn't fit with our preconceived ideas. My goal in writing this blog is NOT to promote my personal agenda, but to seek truth wherever it may be found. While I could be described as a moderate conservative, I want to be open to new ideas. I want to really hear the opinions of others. If I find something that I believe to be true, I want to spread the word, while humbly acknowledging I could be wrong. I will try not to state my opinions with Limbaugh arrogance.

I guess another reason I do this is that I am a teacher without a class. I have teaching in my blood. I may be retired, but I still have a tremendous need to pass whatever knowledge I have onto others. I hope to take complicated issues and explain them in a way that anyone can understand. If just one person reads this blog and learns something, my goal will have been accomplished.

I also love to write. Writing helps me to think and organize my thoughts. I figure if I can put it into words on paper, I have a pretty good grasp of a concept.

Another reason - I am a confessed news junkie and have been since the first Gulf War. I don't think that is necessarily a good thing, and I am trying to watch the news less and live my life more. I will, however, continue to check in with CNN and FOX News every day. I don't like ignorance. I am appalled when Leno goes out on the street and finds people who can't recognize the vice-president of the United States. I believe a responsible citizen keeps up with what is happening in his government so he can be an intelligent participant in our democratic republic.

And finally, I love this country and want a great future for my son and any future grandchildren. Simply put, I am concerned. I used to tell my students they should get down on their knees every day and thank God they were born in the United States of America. I still believe that even with the problems we face today. We aren't perfect, but we've got the greatest country in the world, and we need to take care of what we've got.

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